2023 Program Outcomes

Legacy III’s program is structured into three phases – each has a specific focus that will assist participants in re-establishing stability in their lives. These are:  Phase I – relapse prevention; Phase II – income; and Phase III – securing housing.

The information below is reflective of both demographic detail and programmatic performances. Legacy III’s in-house database and the local Homeless Management Information System was used to gather program performance data. A total of 80 women were served during the reporting period.

Transitional Housing Services

In 2023, a total of 48 homeless women were served through transitional housing services. Of these, 43 exited the program during the year; and five were actively participating on 12/31/2023.  Outcomes are based upon the 43 women who exited the program.

Transitional Housing2023 # of clients and %
Total Number Served48
Number Exited During The Year43
Maintained Sobriety26  –   70%
Maintained or Increased Income24  –   65% 
Secured Permanent Housing20   –  54% 

Rapid ReHousing Services

In 2023, a total of five homeless women were served through the Rapid ReHousing component of the Pathways to Freedom Program.  Of these, three exited the program during the year, and two were actively participating on 12/31/2023.  Outcomes are based upon the three women who exited the program.

Rapid Rehousing2023 # of clients and %
Total Number Served5
Number Exited During The Year3
Maintained Sobriety3 – 100%
Maintained or Increased Income3 –  100% 
Secured Permanent Housing3 – 100%